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how to use HTML tags in web design?

  1. Start with the document type declaration: <!DOCTYPE html> This is the first line of an HTML document and it tells the browser that this is an HTML document.

  2. The HTML element: <html> This element wraps all the other elements of the HTML document.

  3. The head element: <head> This element contains meta information about the document, such as the title and any scripts or stylesheets used.

  4. The body element: <body> This is where the main content of the webpage goes.

  5. Elements for text: <h1> to <h6>, <p>, <a>, <ul>, <ol>, <li> These elements are used to add text to a webpage, such as headings, paragraphs, and lists.

  6. Elements for images: <img> This element is used to add images to a webpage.

  7. Elements for tables: <table>, <tr>, <td> These elements are used to create tables on a webpage.

  8. Elements for forms: <form>, <input>, <label>, <button> These elements are used to create forms for users to input data.

  9. Elements for multimedia: <audio>, <video> These elements are used to add audio and video files to a webpage.

  10. Elements for scripts: <script> This element is used to add JavaScript code to a webpage.

To use HTML tags, you simply need to wrap the content you want to add to your webpage with the appropriate tag. For example, to create a heading, you would use the <h1> tag like this: <h1>My Heading</h1>. The text "My Heading" would then be displayed as a top-level heading on your webpage.

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